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King Leomon

A member registered Jul 08, 2020

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It work, Thank you!

Anyone having issue with the quest "Country road" (update 0.26 quest) it always show Korg catching a bandit or nightmare if you haven't seen it yet, but not once the quest shows/starts. I can see in the events logs but can't do/start it... just want to point it out and wondering if it happen to other too or just me. (using Android)

I'm using Samsung Note 10. I just try it and found how to make it work for sure. You see the auto replace words when you type anything ( the thing above the keyboard to help you fix mistaken words or show the rest of the word you want ) When you type the name, click on it than press enter ( it work for me right away like that )
Also, It can go throw if you put space at the end ( though, for me it delete the name but it make me start the game ^^; )

I didn't save the name, I just start and put the name there ^^

Hope this help =)

I didn't face the problem first but after re-download it I face it. Just keep type the name and press enter again and again. It will accept it. I kept typing it 5 or 6 time till it accepted it ^^ also I didn't use the save one ^^; 

Hope it work for you =)

No problem ^^ I re-download it but issue still there xP guess I will wait for the next update ^^ It's okay and thanks for your reply =)

Huh... maybe i need to re-download it. Thanks ^^

I see, and thanks for the info ^^


Interesting game ^^ I enjoy it so much and look forward for more content =3

I'm not sure if it been reported already or not, it just the game crash/close when you help Nauxus returned to his village. I play the game on android, update 0.20, not sure if it happen on the PC. Just wanted to inform you about it ^^

Looking forward for more update and best of luck with your game! =)